
You will find bellow a ramking of units per damage or effective health. As for the main section of the app, you can also compare the values per one hundred points.

The units that are taken into account are all the units that are defined in the application. By default you should have approximatively 500 warscrolls over 20 factions. Only the units covered in the index are included by default, and if you own the relevant battletome, you can update your factions in the import/export section. You can also filter out on your favorite faction to have an overview.

Please note that as the number bellows are based on the units definitions that are in the app, they might be wrong. In case of doubt, and to fix the definitions, go in the import/export, import your faction, update the relevant warscrolls, export it as a battletome, and import it again. This should update the units that are ranked bellow.

Faction to rank:

Total units ranked: 584

Average Damage
Drakesworn Templar (Rampage vs Monster Hero) - Extremis Chamber Monster Hero12.8316.820.7623.6123.7823.78
Skarbrand (Injured or Angry)12.671619.3322.6722.6722.67
Yndrasta, The Celestial Spear (vs Monster) - Infantry Hero - Warmaster11.8515.0918.3319.4419.4419.44
Kragnos, the End of Empires11.314.8118.332021.1121.11
The Shadow Queen11.2513.7216.1918.2618.5618.85
Frostlord on Stonehorn10.1413.6817.2220.7621.2521.25
Shalaxi Helbane (Anti hero + spell Refine Senses)10.5613.3816.216.9416.9416.94
Ellania and Ellathor8.7612.8316.9120.9824.4424.44
Prince Vhordrai9.3812.8216.2719.7220.6920.69
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (Crit on 5)10.6112.6714.7316.7918.3618.36
Alarielle the everqueen 9.4412.5915.7418.8918.8918.89
The Glottkin9.2412.5215.819.0719.6719.67
Celestant-Prime, Hammer Of Sigmar - Infantry Hero - Warmaster10.6712.331415.6715.6715.67
Megaboss on Maw-krusha (vs Infantry)8.8912.2215.5618.8919.4420
Karazai the Scarred - Monster Hero - Warmaster9.1712.2215.2818.3318.3318.33
Krondys, Son of Dracothian - Monster Hero - Warmaster9.1712.2215.2818.3318.3318.33
Varanguard (Charge)1012141616.516.5
Stormdrake Guard (Lances vs Infantry on Charge) - Extremis Chamber Monster8.6711.5614.4417.3317.3317.33
Drakesworn Templar - Extremis Chamber Monster Hero8.4111.5214.6317.7318.6418.64
Akhelian Leviadon9.0811.3913.691617.3317.33
Lord-Celestant on Stardrake - Extremis Chamber Monster Hero8.2611.314.3317.3618.1918.19
Spirit of Durthu 8.511.1913.8716.5617.1117.11
Mancrusher Mob7.9211.1114.3117.519.1719.17
Annihilators With Meteoric Grandhammers - Warrior Chamber Infantry8.3311.1113.8916.6716.6716.67
Avalenor the Stoneheat King8.1911.0213.8416.6716.9416.94
Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion7.9310.961417.0418.2218.22
Abraxia (Charge) [+1 Damage/+1 Rend/Crit Mortal]9.1110.8912.6713.331414
Bloodthirster Wrath of Khorne7.9610.8313.716.5717.2217.22
Bloodthirster Unfettered Fury7.8510.6713.4816.316.8916.89
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist8.3410.6412.9415.2516.8216.82
Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant8.0410.613.1615.3515.3515.35
Gordrakk, the Fist of Gork6.8510.5614.2617.9621.6722.22
The Light of Eltharion8.1110.561314.1114.6714.67
Gorger mawpack6.9410.4213.8917.3620.8320.83
King Brodd7.8110.4213.0215.6315.6315.63
Great Unclean One7.5910.3713.1515.9316.316.67
Stormdrake Guard (Warblades) - Extremis Chamber Monster7.4810.313.1115.9316.8916.89
Dracothian Guard Desolators (vs 10+ Infantry) - Extremis Chamber Cavalry7.6110.1512.6915.2215.2215.22
Ogor Gloutons6.671013.3316.672020
Chaos Chosen8.331011.6713.331515
Ogroid Theridons (+1Rend / + 1 Damage)7.51012.5151515
Neave Blacktalon (vs Hero) - The Blacktalons - Vanguard Chamber Infantry Hero7.441012.5615.1115.3315.33
Stonehorn beastriders7.049.9812.9215.8617.1317.64
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon6.769.8312.8915.9618.418.4
Radukar the beast7.789.6711.5613.4414.3314.33

Built by:
Damon Hook (NoMaDhOoK) 2019-2021
Grégory Ribéron (Manwe) 2024+

Disclaimer: This tool is in no way endorsed or sanctioned by Games Workshop - it is unofficial and fan-made. I take absolutely no credit for any of the Games Workshop content displayed above.